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7 Step Storytelling-Guide For America-First Leaders

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

This guide will help you communicate with Patriots. This guide is not meant to help you convert the center and center left. If you need to craft narratives that convert the left, contact me directly.


America-First Leaders


7 Step Storytelling Guide


Enlist Patriots

In The War To Save America

–American Firekeeper–

Dio Lyons

Use this guide to help build your leadership position.

1. Who Are YOU?

2. Who Are WE?

3. What Threatens Us?

4. Our Enemy’s Strengths And Weaknesses

5. The Plan

6. The Battle

7. The Victory, And Protecting What’s Won

1. Who Are YOU?:

Is life worth living? If so, what makes it worth living? What specific life-affirming personal childhood events would later motivate your positive contributions to the community?

2. Who Are WE?:

Once you’ve described a life that is worth living, then ask yourself, what are the beliefs, values, hopes, and fears that define such a life? What unites a people who live a life worth living?

3. What Threatens Us?:

If we’d been fighting the correct war, we’d have won it long ago. Our greatest threat… is the lie we tell ourselves. What is the consequence of believing this lie? How has this lie hurt and dismantled the things we value most?

4. Our Enemy’s Strengths And Weaknesses:

If we’d understood the strengths and weaknesses of our enemy sooner, we’d never have allowed their strengths to grow. By allowing our weaknesses to fester, our nation has come into crisis. Who will be the heroes of this war?

5. The Plan:

Of the people and by the people” does not involve our following a leader. What does it involve?

6. The Battle:

A group who is anchored in trust becomes impenetrable. When that group is linked with other groups, together they will overtake any enemy. The enemy is only as strong as we allow our communities to be weak. Why is a phalanx difficult to penetrate?

7. The Victory, And Protecting What’s Won:

Wisdom tells us that the best cure, is prevention. Preventing tyranny simply means, living responsibly. That’s what freedom is, and its burdens are OUR responsibility. What has history taught us about the cost of failing to be ever-vigilant?

––Pick and choose which sub-questions you wish to focus on––

1. Who Are YOU?

Is life worth living?

If so, what makes it worth living?

What specific life-affirming personal childhood events

would later motivate your positive contributions to the community?

· Describe the sacrifices made by those who’ve helped you become a responsible and motivated person, thus those who’ve taught you that trustworthiness and reliability are what holds you, a family, a community, and a free nation together. (Capture the basis of your gratitude and how it’s sparked your motivation)

· Describe the experiences that helped you realize that life-itself is beautiful and worth the heartaches it comes with.

· When did you discover that it’s best to do the right thing, even when no one is looking?

· When did you discover just how important you are (and how important every community member is) in holding your community together?

· Was there an event early in life that helped you recognize that the community’s well-being was entirely dependent upon the quality of character and the amount effort each person brings to the community?

· Describe how the events/teachings of your childhood are responsible for motivating you’re commitments to holding your family, community, and nation together.

· When did you realize that freedom was a necessary ingredient in your becoming a powerful force of service and problem solving? Thus, when did you realize that you could only become fully valuable to others if you had the freedom to express yourself? (Speak of the moment you realized that other nations lack this freedom and often lack the familial love, community connection, and trust that make life worth living. Describe their way of life: North Korea as an example. Who were they before? How did they descend into the pit of totalitarianism?)

· What is humanness? What’s its relationship to freedom? Why is humanness the thing that must be protected above all?

· Where did you learn the principles that depict both “what works” and “what does not work”? Tie this to our nation’s success… and the forging of our nation’s strength.

· There are people trying to steal our humanness, our labor, and thus destroy what is most beautiful about both life-itself and our nation. Who and why?

2. Who Are WE?

Once you’ve described a life that is worth living, then ask yourself,

what are the beliefs, values, hopes, and fears that define such a life?

What unites a people who live a life worth living?

· Tyranny is civilization’s norm, which means that freedom was something our forefathers fought for. Freedom is something that must be taken from tyrants. Freedom is special, it is rare, and will be forever under attack as to lure civilization back to its norm, to tyranny. Therefore, freedom requires constant vigilance! 12,000 years ago when humans began controlling the food supply and turning Earth into private property, that’s when power began to concentrate at the top. That power is like a magnet. It finds its way toward oppressing those born at the bottom. The tendency toward imbalance is what invites tyranny. 12,000 years ago, when tyranny and oppression took hold, eventually the revolts followed, and with them, a new word: Freedom. First there was tyranny, then there was freedom. When oppressed people realized that something essentially human had been lost or stolen, they were justified in fighting to get it back. To maintain balance, this struggle is forever ongoing. Checks and balances must be built into the system and the culture.

· A free nation is simply a collaboration between those committed to preventing tyranny. Tyranny takes root the moment that the people believe they no longer need to act responsibly. When people assume that they themselves need not be trustworthy, and that their burdens will be eased by the promises of politicians and corporate oligarchs, then tyranny is certain. A free people must consider it their job to prevent power and authority from concentrating at the top.

· A free nation can only exist if its people participate in holding the community together… and those people must realize that it’s their responsibility to do the right thing, even when no one is looking. Enjoying life means enjoying self-respect. You can’t be an exclusively self-serving human while also serving to maintain and protect a free nation.

· Feed what is good; starve what is: corrupt, selfish, alienated, and gullible…the gullible are those who outsource their primary responsibilities to a government or corporation.

· In a free nation, its leaders must clear the path for the people's success. Leaders must dignify the citizens by treating THEM as the hero, while the leader simply clears the path for the hero. “Public servants” are not meant to fix much of anything but are instead meant to protect our liberties. Public servants are those who say, “I will not ease your burden, instead I will give you more burden, but I will be there beside you to take it on. We will earn dignity together as Americans, and we will fight to get the hucksters, traitors, and liars off our backs.” Keeping the balance does not mean offloading our responsibilities to the political class or the elites.

· Our culture is only as strong as the trust we build within our communities. A self-governing people MUST be a moral, responsible, skilled, and diligent people.

· Bonds of trust start locally and intimately…in the family and in the community. If the trust is not built there, then putting it elsewhere will surely seed tyranny.

· We love our humanness and we love our freedom. We hate tyrants and we hate the ever-growing temptation toward feeding central power. If we feed it, it grows. If we starve it, it shrinks.

3. What Threatens Us?

If we’d been fighting the correct war, we’d have won it long ago.

Our greatest threat… is the lie we tell ourselves.

What is the consequence of believing this lie?

How has this lie hurt and dismantled the things we value most?

· To preserve our values and our way of life, we must view this war differently. Tyrants and foreign enemies have been using specific tactics to destroy this nation for seventy plus years. By assuming that the recent attacks on liberty are isolated from this seventy year war, we would then make the mistake of focusing only on elections, and we would continue to ignore our complicity in the cultural virus that’s taken hold.

· Republicans should have locked this down seventy years ago, but either didn’t see it, or were too corrupt, thus turned a blind eye. Well, no more. We’re taking back our country. Politically and culturally.

· Our enemies, both foreign and domestic, know that the easiest way to destroy a nation is to rob the people of the stories, traditions, and initiations that help our young people value the systems that work. The youth must see for themselves what makes life so beautiful and worth living, and thus see why their participation is necessary. Our young people need to understand that everything that is good, will ultimately fall apart if they refuse to accept the responsibility. If the good is hidden from them, then the child will never become a mature adult, and that child will become a leftist who wishes to tear down all social structures (or someone who wants the benefits of freedom but accepts none of the responsibility).

· By intentionally seeding distrust between our communities, institutions, races, and economic classes, the people give up on building their own personal stores of trustworthiness. Trust is the glue that holds life’s principles together. When people give up on becoming trustworthy, the culture becomes a population of alienated zombies. They are easy to seduce, enslave, and weaponize. When life’s beauty and its meaning have been hidden from these people, they will gladly choose pleasure over responsibility. This is what makes people become zombie-like. Such people do not vote based on principles and policy, they vote based on whoever promises them pleasure, hope, fake versions of justice, and an easing of their burdens. These are the lost souls who are led to believe that their political leaders will help them become found souls. Such leaders who make promises to this affect are corrupt, compromised, and owned by powerful interests who wish only to steal the people’s labor, consent, and power.

· All of nature’s cells, organisms, and creatures operate by laws specific to them. If the laws of being human have been intentionally hidden from the people, then the people become like mice in a lab experiment; mice who’ve never experienced the completeness of their nature because they have never lived in their natural habitat.

· A free people are anchored in principles, anchored in family, in congregation, and in the community. They don’t care about corporations, about celebrity, about numbing themselves with drugs or alcohol, or care about promises from the nation’s politicians. A free people understand that their public servants are supposed to do little more than protect liberty! Think about the movies, the celebrities, the corporations, and the leaders who are trying to shape culture in ways that steal our attention from the skills and wisdom needed for our community’s success. Those of influence who draw our attention away from self-empowerment, family, and community are those who have no interest in encouraging our duty to earn self-respect. They are not trying to help. They entertain to distract and seduce. Let’s examine the list of those who have successfully stolen the humanness from our nation and how they do it. (We must also look at our failures––– in that we allowed this to happen)

· Our enemy’s strength is only equal to how gullible we are––– in our choosing pleasure over that of choosing responsibility and meaning; also, how gullible we are in choosing to trust the tv instead of trusting our friends and neighbors. Those on our tv screens are visible only because this is how they make money. If their presence on the screen didn’t control our behavior or lure us into their products, they wouldn’t be there.

· We will win this war the moment that we look locally to solve our problems. By this shift, the global/national tyrants will grow powerless.

4. Our Enemy’s Strengths And Weaknesses

If we’d understood the strengths and weaknesses of our enemy sooner,

we’d never have allowed their strengths to grow.

By allowing our weaknesses to fester, our nation has come into crisis.

Who will be the heroes of this war?

· Playing defense against our enemies is important, but will not be the reason we win this war. Yes, we must stop our nation’s bleeding, but furthermore we must go on the offense. What does that mean? Well first, what does it mean to be an American? What responsibility must each of us share in liberty’s burden? If we know what our responsibilities are, then we understand who America’s traitors and enemies are? The traitors are those complicit in pedaling the great lie. The lie is this: that freedom has neither personal cost nor demand of our effort in preventing tyranny. Obviously, traitors see the U.S. constitution as an impediment instead of as a safeguard.

· Should traitors and their gullible prey be allowed to vote? Should they be allowed to enjoy the freedoms our forefathers, brothers, and sisters have fought for?

· A healthy body eats healthfully. The more healthfully it eats, the stronger and more immune the body becomes, and the less likely that cancer takes root. In a healthy body, cancer may try, but it has nothing to hold onto. In this example, our enemy can’t gain strength if what it parasitically latches onto is a healthy, trustworthy, and is locally anchored. A healthy community is like that of a robust immune system, illness will starve and die.

· Taking this metaphor further, our nation has allowed a corrupted pharmaceutical and medical industry (and corresponding government agencies) to call itself a hero in the war against cancer and illness, yet that industry never suggests that the best thing for us is health!––– health is that of taking it upon ourselves to PREVENT the illness; they also never suggest that preventatives often act as a cure–––meaning, that a shift toward healthy living has cured many illnesses and cancers. Just as wars are expensive and would have been cheaper if prevented diplomatically, the “war” against cancer is not a war that is intended to be won, instead it has created a parasitic industry that most often robs us. We must become a healthy people on whom parasites cannot survive. Efficiency means prevention, thus unifying our offense and defense. Even if voters are often too weak minded to accept their part of the responsibility, they want to believe themselves on the side of responsibility. So, speak to them as if you’re certain they are on the side of taking responsibility! Most will rise to the challenge because that’s where dignity is to be found.

5. The Plan

Of the people and by the people

does not involve our following a leader.

What does it involve?

· The plan: BUILD TRUST LOCALLY! Procreate responsibly, marry responsibly, keep the family together, keep the community together, learn life’s principles and inject them into your stories, make sure your community is anchored in principles instead of stereotype race baiting hero-villain narratives, keep finances local, stop outsourcing, take money out of politics, turn off the tv, eat healthfully, make urban gardens on every street, make deals with the local farmers, learn skills from one another, eat together, grow herbs and medicinal plants, starve your public schools until you can take them over, listen to nature’s point of view more than your politician’s point of view, sing and dance often. Life is local...friends, neighbors, and countrymen. LIVE! Do not just survive. Feeding multinational corporations and bankers will be the death of humanness and local living.

· Beware of the people with big personalities but of little character. If not backed up with principles and character, then they are a threat to your way of life. Remember that skills and principles build character. A glowing personality within someone empty of character, is a person who is devoid of wisdom, truth, or decency. Trust those with character, do not trust personality alone.

· If your community is weak and dysfunctional, then seek guidance from stronger communities. Those who are successful will typically be willing to teach.

· “Think of all the hours and resources wasted by giving trust to the politicians who promised to make your lives and your communities better. What if you instead took it upon yourselves to make things better! Stop voting for the people who keep you oppressed. Starve what does not serve you. Join with your neighbors, fix things, create things, help one another, build collaborations and friendships!

· There is no justice to be had outside of your local communities. Justice happens INSIDE your communities and the people who enforce the laws should live INSIDE those communities. Police, judges, officials, business owners, etc. need to be from the communities they serve. Good laws and good people are made locally. Take away the opportunity for false flags, fake hate crimes, and blaming conservatives. Keep it local!

6. The Battle

A group who is anchored in trust becomes impenetrable.

When that group is linked with other groups, together they will overtake any enemy. The enemy is only as strong as we allow our communities to be weak.

Why is a phalanx difficult to penetrate?

· Our political war will be won only if we win the culture war. The culture war requires us to produce a strong interlocking phalanx of American leaders–––leaders in all categories of life: political, business, media, education, screen writers, religion, law, finance, agriculture, story-telling, art, music, athletics, etc.. We must create a phalanx that is forged of American principles… an American Renaissance.

· Freedom requires us to engage in a constant fight against centralization, be it against political, business, religious, or mafia cartels. Local corruption is optimally prevented when the culture (in its stories, entertainment, social events, etc.) aims at trustworthiness and dedication to principles, above that of pleasure, status, celebrity, vanity, etc..

· Our enemies have been circling the wagons, kicking us off of media platforms, defaming, smearing, trying to lock us in our homes, trying to divide us with their medical tyranny, trying to destroy the family and the church, and feeding us narratives that come straight from the mouths of bold faced liars, liars who use empathy as a weapon. They seed divisions between races and between economic classes. Their false flag attacks and agent provocateurs are often paid for with our tax dollars. It will not stand.

· We’re not asking that the brainwashed people of the left join us in our dignified human communities. They can live amongst themselves. After all, this is America… build your own communities! And in their communities, I suggest that they run their own virtue-signaling Olympics. Televise it! Events like: faking hate crimes, false flags events, twitter gang fights where facts don’t matter, trauma bonding as a new form of meritocracy, Salem Witch Trials that dunk the accused until they admit their white privilege guilt, and lastly, a competition of clever excuses made for product failures that are actually caused by diversity hires. Also, add daily televised confessionals by soy boys who cry and apologize for every discomfort and imposition that life has placed upon both human and animal alike. Will Smith can try out for that role. Televise it all! Let their “brilliant” policies play themselves out on air!

· Let these people live under the policies they are imposing. Let them have their way… amongst themselves. We’ll pay them if they let us televise it. Getting this all documented for posterity will help educate our children and grandchildren. We can call it, “history repeats itself for those who are so smart that they have no need to study history.” We say to these people, “we’re not asking you to become like us. But we will not become like you. We shall enjoy the day when you will only have yourselves to blame.”

· Extra points to anyone who televises the moment a leftist realizes that they had been manipulated and enslaved by those whom they’d given their trust. We want to see their faces the moment they realize that all along they were voting, protesting, rioting and shouting on behalf of their slave masters. They can’t say we didn’t warn them. We tried, but they couldn’t hear us over their own screams of orange man bad.

7. The Victory,

And Protecting What’s Won.

Wisdom tells us that the best cure, is prevention.

Preventing tyranny simply means, living responsibly.

That’s what freedom is, and its burdens are OUR responsibility.

What has history taught us about the cost of failing to be ever-vigilant?

· After we’ve won this war, we must never forget that it was fought on behalf of our humanness, and won against those cleverly trying to steal it. As mentioned earlier, the moment we give up healthy habits and begin eating trash, the illness will take hold. The illness may not be noticeable at first, but it is there, festering and multiplying. As long as we allow ourselves to be lazy, thus if we lie to ourselves and if we fail to be ever-vigilant, then the disease will eventually overtake us. Vigilant means: trustworthy and responsible.

· We must build a culture on the principles of balance, the principles that offer respect for life’s beauty, hence a respect for our responsibility to prevent tyranny from overtaking liberty.

· In a free nation, trust-building is the anchor of community-building, thus should be one of America’s priorities. Trust-building is at the heart of our connection to the people around us, thus at the heart of our humanness. We must protect our humanness above all.

· Our first priority is that of principle-based storytelling, thus the character-building initiations that help our children fall in love with life-itself. Only then will our children become motivated participants in life. And only then will liberty have the potential to survive. Unless this is established, trust building will fail to be based on truth. Without trust or truth, there is only a war for power. Truth becomes the casualty in the pursuit of power.

· Those who wish to prevent our children from receiving these initiations are our enemies. Our enemies wish to prevent our strong and free nation from raising its children toward becoming self-driven, responsible, and dignified adults.

· It is easy to destroy a zombie nation of anchorless, alienated, and unprincipled people. It is impossible to destroy a nation of strong and free people, a people who live with self-respect and who passionately build bonds of trust.

· America was meant by its founders to be a free and dignified nation, a nation whose people understand the responsibilities that freedom comes with, hence a nation who understands the threats that will endlessly be thrust upon it. Our humanness will forever be under attack by those who wish to steal it and who wish to thereby enslave us.

Freedom and Liberty


built upon a story,

and that story

needs its storytellers.



Political Leadership Guidance

Political Messaging and Storytelling

Dio Lyons

American Firekeeper 2022

All rights reserved


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